Friday, February 12, 2010

Moving Forward

We are finally moving forward with the construction of the new multi-purpose building. It was a wake-up call for me when they ripped up part of our parking lot yesterday. This is no longer just a dream. It is a reality! The Lord has blessed us mightily. What an exciting time at First Mt Moriah!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Site Clearing

As we continue to prepare for the new building, there are lots of things that need to be done. Today the last physical obstacle to the construction process was removed. This 100+ year old oak tree has seen a lot of things take place in the life of our church. Many people ate dinner under this tree through the years at homecoming services. Our children have played in its shade for the last several years. The strong old oak has stood the test of time, droughts, snows, high winds, and heavy rains. We can learn a lot from the old tree about the perseverance we need to faithfully stand for Christ in the midst of various circumstances. However, when it was finally time for the tree to come down today - it offered little resistance. The writer of Ecclesiastes said, "To everything there is a season and a purpose; a time to tear down, and a time to build up, a time to sow, and a time to reap." As I watched the grand old oak gracefully crash to the ground this morning, it was almost as if the tree knew its time had passed, and there was a newer greater purpose for this piece of ground now. If only we were as in tuned to God's will as the rest of creation which cries out daily for His glory! You can watch the tree fall here.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Ready To Bid

God Is Good.
God continues to pour out His blessings on us here at First Mt Moriah. Every Sunday people are making deciding to be obedient to Spirit's leading. We baptized several more folks a few weeks ago and already have some waiting for the next one. About a month ago the church voted to proceed with the first phase of construction. A lot has been happening since then... and now we are ready to bid the job! Our construction committee has been very diligent to make certain that everything is done right the first time. We have pre-qualified the contracters who will be allowed to bid, and the information packets will be distributed tomorrow. These are exciting times to see what God is doing through our obedience.

New Playground Completed

We also recently completed a new playground facility. The new playground is much larger, nicer and safer than the old one. Not to mention that the old playground was sitting on the future site of the multi-purpose building. We are committed to doing whatever it takes to continue reaching young families with THE good news of our Savior Jesus Christ. It is our prayer that this new playground will result in kingdom multiplication. I know the children will enjoy it, but that was not the sole purpose for which it was built. It was built to reach families with the gospel.
That's a Kingdom Priority!

New Youth & Children's Center Completed

After a lot of hard work and long hours for volunteers we have completed our new youth and children's center. The Lord has blessed us with both staff and volunteers who have a passion for discipling children and youth! He has also been blessing First Mt Moriah with lots of young families. So... space for these groups became a new area of need for us this year. After much prayer and seeking, he led us to this solution. The church purchased and installed these buildings for a fraction of the insured value. What a blessing it is for me to see the kids enjoying their new space.

New posts coming all day long!

Sorry I have neglected to update the blog since July. Things have been very busy, but that was why I started blogging in the first place. The Kentucky mission trip was completed and lots of exciting things have been happening from that point on.
I'll try to get caught up in the next couple of days and then we'll go forward from there.



Monday, July 13, 2009

Kentucky Missions Day 1

We have completed our first day of missions in Kentucky. I can already tell that some of our folks have been humbled by seeing how little some of the folks here have. The construction crew made a good amount of progress on Jimmy Farmer's house and it looks like the project should be completed before we leave. Tonight was the first night of VBS at Martin Baptist Church. We had a small number of children, but we know that our God is capable of big things.

We are talking about what it means to follow Jesus during our group devotions. We have decided that the most important aspect of following Him is obedience. One of my favorite couples ever are on the trip with us this week. This young couple took a week of vacation and brought thier seven year old daughter with them this week because they felt God leading them here once again. I haven't told them yet... But I think that is a beautiful picture of what it means to follow Jesus. And I believe that sacrifices like that will not return void.

God, use us for your glory this week In spite of ourselves, make Yourself known. We have made ourselves available to You because we have great expectations of what You can do. Thank you for letting us be a part of Your perfect plan. Goodnight. Bryant